On December 20, an exhibition on civil and religious history in the centre of Aspromontano will be inaugurated at Fiumara di Muro. The main political events that have marked Fiumara’s existence will be outlined, without neglecting to recall the artistic treasures that its churches have preserved for centuries or the fervent religious activity that has animated the faithful relentlessly. The exhibition will be held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception and will consist of ten panels each of which will present a thematic itinerary. The information reported by the panels is taken from the documents preserved in the Historical Archives of Reggio Calabria Bova.
The first panel deals with the origins of Fiumara di Muro in the IX-X century, when the population was forced to leave the coast and penetrate the hinterland under Muslim pressure. Fiumara’s history continues in the second panel throughout the medieval and modern period until the events that have determined the passage of Fiumara’s fiefdom in the domains of the Ruffo family.
The third panel opens the page of Fiumara’s religious history and focuses on one of the most important sacred buildings in the area, the church of the Immaculate Conception, outlining its architectural history up to the present time. The description of the church continues with the fourth panel that is dedicated to the high altar, exquisite masterpiece of marble inlay. The fifth panel concludes the homage to the church of the Immaculate Conception with a suggestive representation of the Sacred furnishings, among which stands out the picture of the image of the Virgin Mary with musical angels. The sixth panel, together with sacred images, is also dedicated to liturgical furnishings, but they are those preserved in churches in the territory of Fiumara. Both the objects that have escaped the destruction of time and those that have now been lost are remembered, of which only the testimony remains in the archive documents.
The last panels allow an approach to the everyday life of ancient Fiumara. In fact, the seventh panel tells the history of the Municipality of Fiumara from its medieval origins to the end of the 19th century, interweaving the historical route with the treatment of the Congreghe di Fiumara. The eighth panel describes the inhabited centre of Fiumara through the five districts and their main churches. The ninth panel is dedicated to the two main religious orders located in Fiumara: Capuchins and Dominicans. The history of their permanence from the foundation of the convents to their closure is briefly outlined.