Conscious reading workshop promoted by diocesan Museum, Archive and Library kicks off.
For the second year in a row, the Museum, Archives and Diocesan Library of Reggio Calabria-Bova are promoting a MAB (Museum Archive Library) Project, funded by 8xmille funds to the Catholic Church, in 2023 dedicated to the theme “The Bishop and his Church: paths of synodality.”
The series of events related to the MAB Project will kick off on May 5 with the Conscious Reading Workshop “Every Reader When Reading, Reads Himself,” curated by Romina Arena.
Reading is about discovering one’s humanity, putting oneself on the level of the reality in which one is immersed, to look at it, understand it, sift through it and intuit it. Reading is an act of openness toward oneself, in response to one’s desire for knowledge, and toward others, in a commitment to share and multiply experience.
Literature, centering its innermost essence on encounter, solicits relationship, enhances the dimension of listening and confrontation, spurs the search for answers to inner and existential questions, and stimulates reflection, activating a process of reconsideration of the self.
The Conscious Reading Workshop reproduces an environment in which sharing is facilitated, group dynamics aimed at enhancing diffuse, non-antagonistic confrontation, inclusive dialogue, anti-discriminatory, transversal and free of prejudice and judgment.
Romina Arena has been educating for years on conscious reading and creative writing at schools, prisons, bookstores, institutes and cultural associations. She curates refresher courses for teachers on the use of literature, reading and writing as multi and interdisciplinary teaching tools. In 2020 he published “Read and Multiply. Manual of conscious reading” (Rubbettino publisher).
The Reading Workshop promoted by the diocesan MAB is aimed at adults and adolescents, regardless of their relationship with reading and literature. No special skills or previous experience are required and participation is free.
The Workshop takes place at the Diocesan Library “Domenico Farias,” on Seminary Street in Reggio Modena, and consists of five meetings (two hours each): May 5, 12, 19 and 26 and June 9 h 6-8 p.m.
For registration, send email to join by May 2 to or contact 3387554386.