The Diocesan Archives offers the following services:

Reproductions for study purposes

reproductionsUsers of the Archive may request the release of a simple and/or certified copy of the stored documents. Digital copying or photostatic reproduction must be authorised by the Director after filling in a special form.

Copies may be requested in limited numbers at the discretion of the assistant’s office and only for documents after the second half of the 18th century.

A photocopy of a document shall be subject to the payment of 0.20 € for A4 size and 0.25 € for A3 size. Digital reproduction of documents with private camera is free and must be carried out without the use of tripods and lamp lamp park.

Reproduction of documents already in digital format can be requested upon payment of? 2.00 for each reproduction. The applicant shall undertake not to disclose or disseminate the copies obtained to the public. The release of digital reproductions by mail order is subject to the payment of € 2.00 for each single reproduction to be paid into the Paypal account of the Historical Archives of Reggio Calabria-Bova specifying in the reason for this: Diocesan historical archive-release digital copies.


transcriptsUsers of the Archive may request the transcription of the preserved documents by filling in a special form.
The transcription is subject to payment of € 3.00 per single façade of baptismal deed, marriage and death and € 6.00 per facade of other types of deeds.

For any genealogical research we have contacts with external professionals.
On request we also provide consulting services to the Ecclesiastical Archives located in the diocesan territory.

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